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장기요양시설 및 요양병원 입소 치매대상자의 억제대 적용 관련 요인
Year of publication 2019
Title of paper 장기요양시설 및 요양병원 입소 치매대상자의 억제대 적용 관련 요인
Author 이해정, 박명화, 이성화, 이미현, 고영혜, 김춘길, 김정선, 김경숙, 이영휘, 임영미, 송준아, 박영선, 윤종철, 김기웅, 홍(손)귀령
Publication in journal J Korean Gerontol Nurs
Status of publication accepted
Vol 21(2)
Link https://www.jkgn.org/journal/view.php?number=434 214회 연결



The purpose of this study was to investigate factors related to use of restraints for older adults with dementia in long-term care settings.


This study analyzed secondary data from the Nationwide Survey on Dementia Care in Korea (NaSDeCK). Demographic characteristics, disease characteristics, and functional characteristics were analyzed. Data were analyzed with x2 test, t-test, ANOVA, and logistic regression analysis.


Among participants, 8.2% experienced use of restraints. ‘Strap’ (78.3%) was the most commonly used restraint and ‘Behavioral problem’ (51.3%) was a major reason for the restraint. Persons who have low levels of daily activity and cognition deficits, higher levels of dependence, histories of falls within the past 3 months, and living in long-term hospitals have greater probability of restraint experience.


Developing interventions for older adults who have a high risk of being restrained is essential to minimize unnecessary restraint use among older adults with dementia in long-term care settings. Further study exploring the interacting roles of organizational and staff factors related to use of physical restraints would provide more comprehensive perspectives in understanding this phenomenon.